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Optimising the Music Score. Although  the  separate  track  information  allows  a  tune  to  be  played,  it’s  very
memory hungry because a lot of the ‘time to play the chime’ information is the
same for each track. A better method of storing the music data would be a sin-
gle  LDATA  statement  containing  the  time  to  play,  and  which  notes  to  play  at
that given time.
Included   with   the   rest   of   the   examples   is   a   BASIC   program   named   SIN-
GLE_TABLE_MAKER.BAS to do just that. It combines the separate tracks
i nto a series of single LDATA statements. Load  SINGLE_TABLE_MAKER.BAS,  and  place  the  separate  track  music  data
file’s name (created earlier) in the line:-
' Load the music score                 Include"MERRY CHRISTMAS.BAS" Compile the program, then open the serial terminal set to 9600 b aud. You will be prompted for a tempo value for the tune. The  tempo  must  be  in  microseconds  (uS)  and  most  tunes  require  values  of
approx 3000 to 5000 depending on the type of tune it is.
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