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Once the ENTER key is pressed, the terminal’s screen will be filled with LDATA
Select  all  the  screen  by  pressing  Ctrl-A,  and  copy  the  text  by  using  Ctrl-C.
Open a new BASIC text page in the editor and paste the new data tables by us-
ing Ctrl-V. Then save the new BASIC file created as MERRY.BAS.
The format for the new LDATA statements is: - LDATATime to Play a note,Channel 1 note,Channel 2 note,Channel 3 note The  tempo  for  the  tune  is  stored  at  the  very  beginning  of  the  list  of  LDATA
In order to play the new music score format, you w ill need to load the program SINGLE_TABLE_PLAYER.BAS.  Again,  this  can  be  found  with  the  rest  of  the project examples. The operation of this program is exactly the same as the previous ones, and if
anything, it is a lot simpler in design.
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