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The list of  LDATA statements should look something like the small snippet be-
TRACK_n:         LDATAWORD00270, BYTE062         LDATAWORD00324, BYTE067         LDATAWORD00378, BYTE067         LDATAWORD00405, BYTE069         LDATAWORD00432, BYTE067         LDATAWORD00459, BYTE066 Rename  TRACK_n:  to  TRACK_1:  and  make  sure  the  last LDATA  statement contains all zeroes. LDATAWORD00000, BYTE000 If not, then add them to the list. Save this file as MERRY_TRACK_1.BAS. Repeat  the p rocess  for  the  remaining  two  midi  files,  renaming  TRACK_n:  to TRACK_2:and TRACK_3:respectively, not forgetting to save each file with an appropriate name. Open  the  three  new  .BAS  programs  containing  the  LDATA  statements,  and
copy and paste tracks two and three in to track one’s program. You should now
have a single BASIC file containing all three tracks. Rename this file when sav-
ing to MERRY CHRISTMAS.BAS. This is now your music score.
Re-open the SIMPLE_TUNE.BAS program and change the line. ' Load the music score Include"TUNE_DATA.INC" to ' Load the music score Include"MERRY CHRISTMAS.BAS" Once the program is compiled and programmed into the PICmicro, you should
hear the tune being played.
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