By : Gian Luca Comana
June 2001
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The servo testers which can be found in shops are quite expensive and the shematics published here and there do not achieve the requested precision. Most of the time they are based on the famous NE555 timer IC and are limited to one function.
The use of a PIC (here 16F84 or 16F628) gives the opportunity to build a very cheap and extended tester. Such a project costs from 10 to 30€.
With this realization, you can test a RC servo but also
check its correct implementation in a RC model without having to fully deploy
your RC transmitter/ receiver. This is quite more convenient. After all, we
have only two hands....
The 16F84 (or 16F628) takes care of all functions. The use of a Xtal guaranties the
precision of the timing.
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C100 : 5.0uF | D101 : LED BICOLOR 5mm |
C101 : 0.1uF | |
C102-C103 : 22pF | D100 1 :N4001 / 1N4007 |
R100-R101-R109 : 470 | U100 : PIC16F84 / 16F84A / 16F628 |
R102-R103-R104-R105-R106-R107 : 1k | |
R108 : 4.7K | X100 : 4MHz |
R110 : 33K |
As you can use a 16F84 or a 16F628, two versions of the software are available
Download Hex file for 16F84 version or 16F628 version
Download PROTON .Bas file
Download User Manual
(to be completed soon)
Gian Luca Comana (see this project in Italian)
June 2001
(Last revision : odb 18/11/03)
Please note that this project is published AS IS. No responsability of the author in any cases can be invoqued. This project is for learning and entretainment purpose only. No vital application can be connected to it. As this project is published on a free and friendly base for the user site of PROTON , it cannot be used in any condition for business or commercial use without explicit permission of the author.