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InputPORTB   ' Turn OFF the notes Delayms3000 ' Wait for the notes to decay naturally         GIE= 0 ' Disable all interrupts Stop '----------------------------------------------------------------          REMINDERS= OFF     ' Disable any reminders after this point                REMARKS= OFF                                                                        ' Disable assembler remarks after this point
' Lookup table to convert the midi note (0 to 127) into a frequency value
' for the interrupt sound generator
  Include"NOTE_DATA.INC"     '----------------------------------------------------------------
' Load the music score
Include"TUNE_DATA.INC"         Although the above program looks large and complex, it is  actually very simple
in  operation.  The  music  data  is  held  in  a  series  of
LDATA  tables,  loaded  into the main program by an INCLUDE directive. Each of the three tracks represent
a  channel  and  consists
o                                                         f  the  time  to  strike  a  note,  (which  is  a  16-bit  value),
and  the  midi  value  that  represents  the  note’s  frequency,    (which  is  a     -bit
value). As shown below: -
Each track is  preceded by the label TRACK_n:, where n represents 1, 2, or 3.
TRACK_1  data  is  the  melody  line  of  the  tune  played  via  channel  1,  TRACK_2
data is the harmony of the tune played via channel 2 and TRACK_3 is the bass
line of the tune played via channel 3.
The  time  to  strike  a  note  value  is  compared  to  a  constantly  incrementing
( TICKS),  if  the  time  to  strike  is  equal  to  the TICKS  variable,  then  a note is played. This is carried out for each channel until the music data is fin-
ished for a  particular track (channel), which is represented by all zeroes in the
LDATAtable: -
LDATAWORD00000, BYTE000 As mentioned above, the midi data representing a particular frequency consists
of a 7-bit value (0 to 127), however, the program requires different values in or-
der to play the correct frequency. This is accomplished by another LDATA table
that has the corresponding frequency required for a particular midi value. This
information is held in the include file NOTE_DATA.INC.
The  midi  notes  24  to  95  are  used  in  the  program,  implementing  a  6  octave
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