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         '----[MAIN PROGRAM CODE]--------------------------------------------------         OVER_INTERRUPT: OutputPORTB.0 ' Make PORTB.0 and output ClearNOTE_COUNTER ' Reset the note counter T1CON= %00000001             ' Turn on TIMER1, with a 1:1 prescaler ClearPIR1.0                  ' Clear TMR1 interrupt flag
' Enable TMR1 as peripheral interrupt source     INTCON=  %11000000           ' Enable global interrupts, peripheral interrupts NOTE = 0 ' Reset the note to play Repeat ' Create a loop IncNOTE ' Lower the pitch of the note Delayms50    ' Wait 50ms between notes        UntilNOTE = 1000   ' Stop when we reach a count of 1000 ClearGIE ' Disable interrupts to stop the note Stop The  program  above  is  very  simple  in  principle.  A  TIMER1  interrupt  is  imple-
mented  by  setting  the  appropriate  registers  and  pointing  the  compiler’s  inter-
rupt  handler  to  the  interrupt  subroutine.  Whenever  TIMER1  overflows.  i.e.
reaches  a  value  of  65536,  an  interrupt  will  be  triggered  and  the  NOTE_INT
subroutine will be ran.
Within the NOTE_INT subroutine, TIMER1 is preloaded with a value to e                                                                                                                            ensure
that  another  interrupt  will  occur  quickly.  A  counter  variable  is  then  incre-
mented (NOTE_COUNTER)  and  tested  against  the  required  note  frequency
(NOTE).  If  both  variables  are  the  same  then  PORTB.0  is  toggled  by  XORing  it with itself, and the counter is reset ready for the next occurrence of the inter-
rupt. However if the variables are not equal to each other then the TIMER1   n-
terrupt flag is cleared and the interrupt is exited without doing anything. This
happens  in  the  background  of  the  program  so  placing  a  value  in  the  variable
NOTE will alter the rate of the toggle on PORTB.0 thus increasing
or decreasing
the frequency of the square wave produced.
The circuit shown below can be used for the program above.    C1
10V RB0    18F452