Cardbase V1.0 (Chipdrive reader)
Visualbasic source
Admin (manage cards)
Client (runs in the systemtray)
Information about the project
Admin:Goto top
Enter userinformation into database and program card:Goto top
Manage cards in database : Goto top
Client :Goto top
Client runs in the background and have a systemtrayicon (the icon with the letter "C")
A valid card is detected.Goto top
Pin entering Goto top
Pin ok (1)Goto top
Pin ok (2)Goto top
Configurate the current card Goto top
Files:Goto top
Chipdrive driver
Information about this project:Goto top
It uses memorycards to identify a user.I use SLE4442(4 number password,2byte) and SLE4428 (6 number password,3byte).
I have made some sequrity code, but you can't count this project to be safe(see it as a fun project).
A cool feature is that the program can login a forum account when a card
is inserted, and logout a user when the card is removed :) Very nice if the computer
is used be many people (you need to make som changes to make it safe.Encrypt information that is in the database)
In the project there are some "Bit conversions" (by Vladimar) that can be very useful in any electronic project :D
(byte to bits or bits to byte conversions!)
Thanks : Goto top
A special thanks goes to those who have created many codes public for others to use.
I have used codes from others in my project.
Thanks goes to :
Playxcube (Msn like trayalert)
Federico Bridger (Systemtray)
Brett Johnson (A better random number)
Vladimar (Bit conversions)
If you are loking for a nice msn like alert that don't steal focus from other applications goto : (Free activex component)
Clint LaFever (Msn like trayalert)
I will not take any responsibility for what this project may cause!
Made by Thor selnes. [email protected]
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