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By Olivier de Broqueville And Tim Box



Introduction :

The purpose of this project is to create a tuning device for motors. 

The stroboscope converts high voltage pulse from the coil into TTL level pulse a PIC 16F628 will use to calculate RPM, add the desired dwell and trigger a flash unit.


How it works

The module is composed of 3 parts.


Some maths

Here are some basic elements  for a 4 strokes combustion motor:

First, as it is a 4 strokes, you need 2 revolutions to complete a cycle (Down= admission, Up=compression, Down=explosion, Up=burned gas evacuation). If we look only to the first cylinder, this means that the period of the spark is:  (2 revolutions * 60 seconds)/RPM =>  P= 120/RPM      with RPM beeing Revolution Per Minute.

As DWELL is calculated as an angle in degree, 2 revolutions are also equal to 2*360° => 720°

But the PIC has to use a delay, not an angle as by adding a delay between detection of the pulse and the moment you trigger the 'flash' you add a dwell. Then:

Angle (dwell)= 720*(delay/period)   where delay and period are here in Ms but have only to be expressed in the same 'unit'.

This means that you have to know the RPM or better,  the frequence of the sparks on Cyl. 1 (Cyl 1 is, by convention, the cylinder reference used by manufacturers). This is exactely what the RPM routine (written by my friend Tim) does.

Then, based on the by you inputed DWELL (in degree) and the by the PIC calculated frequency  knowing that Freq.=1/period  we get:



Schematic :




The PCB and Components:


The Component list:

R1-R2                             : 1M T1-T2                                        : 2N2905A
R3-R4-R10                     : 10K IC1                                            : 741
R5-R12                           : 1K IC2                                            : CD4011
R6-R11-R18-R13           : 4K7 IC3                                            : PIC 16F628
R7                                   : 220R  
R8                                   : 47R D1                                              : 1N4007
R9                                   : 100K  
R14-R15-R16-R17         : 8K2                    Xtal                                             : 20Mhz
C1                                          : 47nF Alphanumeric LCD 2x16 car. compatible PROTON
C2-C4                                   : 220nF  
C3-C7-C13-C14-C16  : 100nF AJ1                                              : 100K
C5                                         : 4.7nF AJ2                                              : 10K   (LCD adjust)
C6                                         : 220 uF 25V POT1-POT2                               : 5K lin
C8-C9                                   : 22pF  
C10-C11-C12  Are replaced by straps 3 switches
C15                                       : 47 uF 16V  

The program:  

(To be completed)


The only hardware adjustement is the sensitivity of the input pulse amplifier. This can be adapted by turning AJ1. 

It is obvious that the darkness of the LCD can also be adapted by AJ2.

The coil is up to you. What you need is 10 to 20 turns of a insulated copper wire you can place around the wire of Spark plug of Cyl 1. You can do this by wiring the coil on a piece of plastic tube of such a diameter you can pass the wire of the plug through it. The only requirement is that the support cannot be metalic. I recommand that you use shielded cable between the captor and the module. I even tried with one of those 'telephone' captors, used to record phone conversations. It worked too.


I hope this will helps you to go further in car tuning. Or, why not, to imagine your own circuitry and post it here...


Developped by Olivier de Broqueville in September 2003

(Last revision 10/11/03)

Please note that this project is published AS IS. No responsability of the author in any cases can be invoqued. This project is for learning and entretainment purpose only. No vital application can be connected to it. As this project is published on a free and friendly base for the user site of PROTON +, it cannot be used in any condition for business or commercial use without explicit permission of the author.