Decoding Morse Code in Proton Basic

Mark Rodgers G0EBB 13,02,04

The above circuit uses a PIC18F452. The Diagram is shown with a GLCD but I have included software for an LCD also, the relevant point is the connection of the key/button to the PIC, it can easily be changed to any pin you like and the code should work on most PIC chips. Read the notes in the programs for more details.

This project was undertaken to see if I could work out how to decode this language digitally instead of in my head, the software is written totally in Proton Basic and is not really a good example of slick coding but I have used it as an exercise in reducing a problem to its constituent parts and figuring out how to deal with them. The comments should help to figure out how I was thinking when I was writing each line.

All Morse characters are catered for and some punctuation etc. The details of the characters and conventions of Morse are detailed in "morse.txt" which is part of this package.

 I have found if you send bad Morse it will display bad Morse! If you try it you will find that the PIC is often better than you!
NOTE: the key contacts must be clean as it is easy to get bad characters because of dirty contacts.

Included Files

The program to work on a Graphic Display
The program to work on an Alphanumeric Display
Info about Morse Code(taken from KENT MORSE KEYS)

I hope some of you try it!

73 de Mark Rodgers G0EBB.

About the Proton Compiler

Crownhill's Proton Plus Compiler is a part of the Proton Development Suite - A suite of British-developed applications enabling fast development of PICmicro's using the PICBASIC Language.

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