Garden Timer with Remote control

By Frank Sloep  ([email protected])

March 27 2005

I hope you will understand all the writings in my horrible English. :)


Few years ago we control the lights in the garden with a automatic-timer-switch, very nice but when the evening gets longer or shorter we had to adapt the timer each week. In that time I came in contact with programming microprocessors so my first project was born. The first garden timer was a simple 1 output. The timing was controlled by the PIC and every month I had to change the minutes. So back to the table and design the second garden timer able to control 3 relays  - left, mid and right side of the garden. It provided also 4 modes: – always off – always on – from dusk to dawn – from dusk to timer and the timing was dedicated to a RTC DS1307. The garden timer runs now over 1 years without any problem, but my wife wanted to have a waterfall in the garden, so we made a waterfall and of course a water pump was installed! So we had to put on and off the water pump manually. Back to basic again…Time to design the third garden timer with 4 relays, 3 relays to control the lights and 1 relay to control the water pump and all settings controlled by the remote. I made an happy man too. The old garden timer hang over there.

The Garden Timer third edition 

Schematic of the Garden Timer version 3.0

 Functions of the Buttons:

The backlight can be turn-on on all buttons a timer switch it off after 15 sec, when you press a button before the timer switch it off the timer starts over. Only button 3 will turn on the backlight in normal operation without effect on the operation. By switching between modes it waits 5 sec before that mode come active. When you change the mode before it come active the timer starts over. 


Main screen

The settings

Press button 2 to go to first field of the settings

The Remote controller

Schematic of the Garden Remote controller

You can control with the remote in the first place Relay 4 on/off but also all the other options from the Garden Timer. It has a power down function, after 20 sec when you press a button it will go to sleep and wait till you press Button 5  or 6. With button 5 relay 4 will switch with button 6 only the remote will come to live You can not power it up with button 1..4. PortB interrupt change. When power-up the led will flicker 3 times in 5 sec.


Files can be downloaded HERE

(Last revision OdB 31-03-2005)

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Please note that this project is published AS IS. No responsibility of the author in any cases can be invoqued. This project is for learning and entertainment purpose only. No vital application can be connected to it. As this project is published on a free and friendly base for the user site of PROTON +, it cannot be used in any condition for business or commercial use without explicit permission of the author.