By Olivier de Broqueville

Introduction :

The idea of this project came from my youngest son. He was dreaming of a small tool able to write symbols or pictures on a screen. As a graphic LCD (even bought at Crownhill :) ) was too expensive (or too easy??), the solution adopted was to pilot a matrix of Leds. This way, with only some cheap transistors, common red Leds,  and a 16F628 , the dream could become reality.

Schematic :


The PCB and Components:

The Components :

The Component list:

R1-R2-R3-R4-R5-R6-R7       : 1K IC1                                       : PIC 16F628
R8-R9-R10-R11-R12-R13     : 220R IC2                                       : 7805
  T1-T2-T3-T4-T5-T6            : 2N2222A
C1-C2-C4                              : 100nF  
C3                                          : 470 uF 16V L1 to L36                              : 5mm RED LEDs (or the color you want)
POT 1                                    : 10K LIN 1 x  9V battery connector

The programs:

The PIC Program:

The program is very short. Basically, it 

The pictures are stored in the AFF file. The structure of this file is easy to understand: Each data is the PORTB 'BYTE' which determines which LED of a specific LINE have to be ON. A loop will scan all 6 lines (by triggering appropriate pins of PORTA. PORTA will, in turn, command NPN transistors (here 2N2222 but nearly all common low signals NPN could be used). This is the way the multiplexing is implemented.

To define pictures, a AFF file has to be build. As the program was written for a 9 year old kid, some assistance was needed... :) This is why a VB program was added. 

The VB Application :

This application is written in Visual Basic 6 SP5. It needs the VB6sp5 runtime. If you do not have it, you can find it HERE


There are basically no adjustments. It has to work immediately

The only small difficulty is the 6 horizontal connections of the LEDs: This is a zoom of how it was done using isolated wire:

Developed by Olivier de Broqueville in March 2003

(Last edition 7/12/03)

About the Proton Compiler

Crownhill's Proton Plus Compiler is a part of the Proton Development Suite - A suite of British-developed applications enabling fast development of PICmicro's using the PICBASIC Language.

For more information on the Proton Development Suite, please visit


Please note that this project is published AS IS. No responsibility of the author in any cases can be invoqued. This project is for learning and entertainment purpose only. No vital application can be connected to it. As this project is published on a free and friendly base for the user site of PROTON +, it cannot be used in any condition for business or commercial use without explicit permission of the author.