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What is a Sinking or Sourcing input?

Sinking and Sourcing inputs simply refer to the current flow in a transistor. This means that they require a voltage and a load to operate. A sinking input requires the voltage and load to be present before connecting it to the circuit. This means that it is "sinking" the current to ground for the circuit. A sourcing input must be before the load in the circuit. This means that it is "sourcing" the current to the circuit. Voltage and a load must be present in either case to detect a voltage change at the input. The same is true for sinking or sourcing outputs.



How do I set my Calibration Constant?

The calibration constant can be simplified by simply selecting the correct Pulses Per Revolution (PPR). (See PPR) Once the PPR has been selected, or is known simply follow the formula presented in the Technical Manual. When choosing your calibration constant remember the closer to 1 the better. The value of the calibration constant is your best resolution per pulse of the encoder.

What serial communication formats are used by Danaher Controls?

There are a couple types of communication protocols available. These protocols are specific to the unit being used. The protocols include West ASCII, West MODBUS, and open ASCII. If you have trouble determining which format is being used by the product please call the Applications Department.

Can I purchase communications software for my controller from Danaher Controls?

No. Danaher Controls does not make a communications software package for any of its products that have serial communications. The writing of software for the purpose of serial communication is the responsibility of the user. Guidelines and protocols for serial communication with Danaher Controls products are listed in the product manual. Questions regarding these guidelines and protocols can be directed to the Applications department.

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